Excel Reports
The Excel Reports tool allows you to export results (and also input values) to MS Excel as reports, that is, detailed lists of values that reflect usual reporting practices in the petroleum industry. You can access the tool by clicking on the icon in the Toolbar.
Specific reports are available for data generated by all main tools:
Each report is output to a separate sheet in the workbook specified under Excel File, that is the one selected in the Files Tab. If the file does not yet exist, you will be asked if you wish to create it; if it exists, sheets will be added for each report. If you select a different file here your choice will be reflected in the Files tab.
Excel Reports uses sheet names based on report labels. If you use the Excel Reports tool to add sheets to an existing workbook with sheets that have the same names as PetroVR predefined sheet names and which have not been created by PetroVR, a warning message will be issued. If you accept, namesake sheets will be overwritten. See also Communication with MS Excel.
New Excel output files are based on the default.xls or default.xlsx file located in your root application folder. These files contain some pre-defined sheets that will be used to create these reports. You can freely modify the default files either adding or removing sheets, touching up the format, etc.; your changes will be carried over to all new Excel report worksheets.
Input values exported to Excel always provide the value assumed by the variable in the simulation, and not necessarily the ones displayed in the interface; e.g., FML expressions as such are not copied to Excel cells but reported as numeric values.
Exported inputs are expressed using the unit selected for each input; exported results are expressed using the default units specified in the Unit Setup.
MS Excel version 2003 files (extension .xls) do not support more than 256 columns. If you are using Excel 2003 (or working with .xls files in compatibility mode using a later version), the total number of periods cannot exceed 256; otherwise a failure message will pop up. See General Tab.
Regional setting inconsistencies may cause conflict when generating Excel reports. See Recommended Regional Settings.
The digital Model Signatures of the project are also included in he report.
The list of Available Reports provides all reports available for the current tool. When ready, click on the Output Selected Reports to Excel button.
A PetroVR additional menu or add-in toolbar will also be created in the Excel reports file. It gives easy shortcut access to the reports.

Range Names in Excel Reports
For ease of reference, some array data (i.e., data spanning through the simulation periods) are assigned range names when exported to Excel. The following table shows how range names for each array are composed. Blank spaces between words are always replaced by a low line (_).
Plan Reports | Result Summary | CapEx: CapEx_<cost category> Total escalated CapEx: CapEx_Total_Escalated Total depreciation per pool: CapEx_Depreciation_<depreciation pool> Categories with depreciation: Depreciation_<depreciation pool>_<cost category>_Tangible/Intangible OpEx per category: OpEx_<cost category> Production per fluid: prd_<fluid> Consumption: Consume_<fluid> Emission: Generate_<fluid> Well activities: drl_<well type>_Drilled/Completed/On_Line Blending: Total_<fluid>_Blended_Density/BTU Blended components: Total_<component> |
Facility Production | Production per facility: fac_<facility>_<fluid>_Rates | |
Well Production | Production per well: well_<well>_<fluid>_Rates | |
Econ Reports | PetroVR Econ Results | Econ results: EconResult_<module>_<variable> |